Product information; on-line sales

  • creating an optimal framework for their business activities taking into account both the law and the client’s business priorities.
  • designing product information to meet the legal requirements for information provided in instructions or product leaflets.
  • assisting in the creation of the documentation necessary to sell online (such as terms and conditions for online sales and the privacy policy documents), ensuring it takes account of the entire spectrum of relevant regulations.



Abusive terms in B2C contracts

The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (OCCP) monitors the standard ...


Infringements of the collective consumer interests

The fines imposed by the OCCP for breach of collective consumer interests are growing in severity. ...


Product information; on-line sales

When it comes to product information and online sales, we support clients in their B2C dealings by:


Consumer complaints / claims

All businesses selling to consumers must make sure they comply not only with the general rules of ...


Competition law penetrates all branches of industry, impacting businesses of all scales. The severe sanctions and imprecise law make it a potential minefield, even for the most experienced entrepreneurs.


Operating on regulated markets means constantly taking into account the impact of the regulatory authorities. Not only can we assist you in understanding the rules governing your regulated market; we can advise you on how to optimise your business model.


The nature of doing business means that even the most conciliatory contractor can find itself caught up in a dispute, whether in court or not. When such an unpleasant situation arises, it is vital to set the right goals, be consistent in pursuing them and to be on the lookout for optimum solutions...
